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Describe your call to ministry

      The call to ministry is a significant theme throughout the Bible, highlighting how God selects and commissions individuals to serve Him. Whether through divine encounters, visions, or the prompting of the Holy Spirit, those called to ministry often undergo transformation before stepping into their roles. This calling is not always easy, but it comes with God's assurance and power.

1. Moses: Called to Lead (Exodus 3-4)

      One of the most well-known calls to ministry is that of Moses. God appeared to him in a burning bush and instructed him to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Moses hesitated, citing his weaknesses, such as being slow in speech. However, God assured him that He would be with him and even provided Aaron as a spokesperson. Moses' call teaches us that God's calling is not based on human ability but on divine empowerment.

2. Isaiah: Called to Prophesy (Isaiah 6:1-8)

      Isaiah’s call to ministry occurred in a dramatic vision where he saw the Lord seated on a throne, with angels worshiping Him. Overwhelmed by God’s holiness, Isaiah confessed his sinfulness. A seraphim touched his lips with a burning coal, symbolizing his purification. When God asked, “Whom shall I send?” Isaiah responded, “Here am I. Send me!” His call reminds us that God purifies and prepares those He calls.

3. Jeremiah: Called Before Birth (Jeremiah 1:4-10)

      Jeremiah’s call to ministry emphasizes God’s sovereign plan. The Lord told him, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart.” Despite his youth and fear, God reassured him that He would give him the words to speak. Jeremiah's life shows that God’s calling is not limited by age or personal doubts.

4. Paul: Called to Apostleship (Acts 9:1-19)

      Paul, originally Saul, was a persecutor of Christians until he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus. Struck blind and confronted by Christ, Saul repented and was later healed by Ananias. He was baptized and called to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. Paul's transformation illustrates that God can call and use even those who were once opposed to Him.

5. The Disciples: Called to Follow Jesus (Matthew 4:18-22, Mark 1:16-20)

      Jesus called ordinary men, such as fishermen Peter, Andrew, James, and John, to leave their nets and follow Him. He told them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Their immediate obedience highlights the nature of a true calling—one that requires faith, sacrifice, and commitment.

Lessons from Biblical Calls to Ministry

1. God Calls Imperfect People – Moses doubted himself, Jeremiah was young, and Paul was a persecutor, yet God used them.

2. God Equips Those He Calls – He provided Moses with Aaron, Isaiah with purification, and Paul with transformation.

3. The Call Requires Obedience – Isaiah, the disciples, and Paul responded immediately, trusting in God’s plan.

4. God’s Call is Life-Changing – Those called experience personal transformation before stepping into their roles.

      The call to ministry, whether in leadership, teaching, or service, is a divine invitation to be part of God's work. If you sense a call, seek God’s guidance, pray, and be open to His direction. Are you feeling called to ministry in any way?
