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Food is any substance that can be consumed by living organisms, especially by eating, to sustain life. So, if a human being can be hungry and cannot be healthy, active, or exist without food, then the self cannot do without food too and does not eat the same kind of food as humans and can’t be active without eating it kind of food.
Self can be hungry and desire to eat it kind of food, through expressing an irresistible and undeniable hunger for fornication in such a way that it compels the body into becoming a tool to satisfy such hunger. This is where putting the self under control failed many teenagers and youths nowadays because the self is in control of the body and the body pays allegiance to the self by sexually arousing them into the act.
A youth sent several text messages to her female friend, begging her to visit him if possible that very day because he seriously wanted to fornicate and could not control his sexual hunger anymore. He kept on sending messages begging her to come over or she should decide anywhere private to have her.
A young boy of 22 years forcefully slept with an 80-year-old woman. And was sentenced to 47 years in prison of which he will be leaving the prison at the age of 70. According to this 22-year-old boy, a voice was telling him to do it until he did it and ended up in prison. Self!!!
What actually could be the cause of this premarital sex, rape, sexual harassment among young people? The answer is HUNGER. Matthew 4:2
When Satan saw Jesus was hungry, that was when he came to tempt him. At that time the body and soul needed a genuine satisfaction to sustain both for the task ahead. So, when Satan came to Jesus, he brought the food the body needed at that time to disarm Jesus of His destiny. And when Jesus refused to feed on his deceptions, heaven bought down food that nourished and fortified Him (Jesus) for kingdom exploits. Matthew 4:11
The food to quench His hunger after forty days of fasting and praying was the ministration of the angels sent by His father. The message from His Father concerning His mission on earth was the food He needed at that time.
Satan knows that the only thing that most young people hunger for is fornication. He also knows they are fasting to abstain from fornication, and that the same formication he is using today to overpower many people’s lives and destinies. Every young person can also say no to Satan the same way Jesus did, but some prefer eating from Satan to satisfy themselves than waiting on heaven's ministration that satisfies both the body and soul.
Thus, Satan does not only serve fornication to this generation to feed on, but he also through fornication causes health crises and damages that will hinder God from actualizing His (God) agenda for them. As a result of fornication, there is a spread of deadly and incurable diseases in our generation today, of which Satan’s aim in doing all these things is to make sure this generation never accomplishes nor fulfills the divine will of God for their lives.
Note: Every human being has the right to choose food to eat, and a doctor to guide them on the kind of nutritional food to eat for the better health condition of the body. In as much as every human being eats to sustain life, there are also two persons dwelling in every human being that needs food to survive feeding these persons is a thing of choice and these persons are self and soul.
● Self- is a personality that feeds on lies, deceptions, and most especially fornication. And the doctor to guide self is Satan, the master-minder of all kinds of destruction.
● Soul- is also a personality designed in a divine form with divine qualities to do and accomplish divine mandate on earth, and to live in a glorious afterlife. But feed on the BIBLE to sustain life and the doctor to guide the soul is God, the chef, and the maker of all.
During my first year in a higher institution, a lecturer walked into our classroom, said a few words of prayer (which she normally does before lectures), and asked a question that got everyone’s attention “Are you still starving yourself which is the right thing to do or have you eaten while others are starving?”, She asked. We were confused by her question, and wondered if starvation was the right thing to do then a student replied, “Ma, school is not easy and hunger is almost a normal thing to us which some of us did not eat before coming to school this morning.” “It is not hunger for food but hunger for sex,” The lecturer said. To my surprise, some students who were bold enough to speak up said “They weren’t starving at all, and cannot resist it when they are hungry for it”.
That is why I weep bitterly for this rebellious generation. A generation her teenagers and youths are emboldened to pilot the future of their generation but are now sexually feeding themselves, while their souls starve.
Self is the healthy and active one that is tirelessly, and ruthlessly working to devour the souls of young people through seducing them into committing fornication to be in charge and also to disarm them from fighting against its craftiness in their lives.
Also, the self always wants to consistently eat fornication which is why young girls and boys cannot possibly control their unsatisfying appetite for fornication. And if eventually the self is denied of its hunger for fornication after its strong urge to be fed, the body becomes weak and falls sick because the self is starving. 2 Samuel 13:1-15
Self is always willing to accommodate evil, make it look as if it is the best thing to do, and also want to use you to oversee the same evil that will lead to your doom. What are you hungry for? And what you feed on does it sustain or kill God’s agenda for your life?
Amnon became hungry when self made him lust after his sister Tamar and when he could not satisfy himself at that very moment, he fell sick because self nurtured and groomed such possessive desire in him that all he wanted and was hungry for was to sleep with Tamar, which his lustful desire made him stagnant and also caused his untimely death. 2 Samuel 13:23:38
To seduce and reap one’s inheritance is Satan's profession, he knows the best way to go about it, how he can lure the person into his trap, and when he fails, he plans to try again and again until he succeeds. Do not give up the chance of winning no matter the number of times Satan tries so hard to seduce you because he has no good intentions for you
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