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How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power

      The verse Acts 10:38 states: "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him."

      This verse is part of Peter’s sermon to Cornelius and his household, where he summarizes Jesus’ ministry, emphasizing His divine anointing, miraculous works, and ultimate mission. It is a powerful statement about Jesus’ identity, His purpose, and His relationship with God. To fully understand this verse, let’s explore it in depth by breaking it down into key aspects.

1. The Meaning of Anointing in the Bible

      The anointing refers to the act of setting apart someone for a divine purpose. In the Old Testament, anointing involved pouring oil on a person to signify that they were chosen by God for a specific role, such as a king (1 Samuel 16:13) or a priest (Exodus 30:30).

      However, Jesus was anointed not with oil but with the Holy Spirit. This anointing was far greater because it signified divine empowerment directly from God. This took place at His baptism, as recorded in Matthew 3:16-17: "When Jesus was baptized, he went up immediately from the water. The heavens suddenly opened for him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming down on him. And a voice from heaven said, 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased.’

      This event marked the beginning of Jesus' public ministry, where He was officially empowered to carry out His mission. Unlike human anointing with oil, Jesus’ anointing with the Holy Spirit equipped Him with divine authority, wisdom, and miraculous power.

2. Jesus as "Jesus of Nazareth"

      Peter specifically refers to Jesus as “Jesus of Nazareth.” This is significant because it emphasizes His human identity and humble origins. Nazareth was a small and insignificant town, and many people questioned whether anything good could come from there (John 1:46). Yet, God chose Jesus to be the Savior of the world, showing that God's ways are different from human expectations.

      By calling Him Jesus of Nazareth, Peter highlights both His humanity and the fact that His power and authority came from God, not from earthly status or privilege.

3. Anointed with the Holy Spirit and Power

The Holy Spirit in Jesus’ Ministry

      Jesus did not operate in His divine power alone but fully depended on the Holy Spirit throughout His ministry. This is an example for believers today—showing the necessity of the Holy Spirit in accomplishing God’s work.

      Several key moments in Jesus’ life demonstrate the role of the Holy Spirit:

His Baptism (Matthew 3:16) – The Spirit descended upon Him like a dove.

His Temptation in the Wilderness (Luke 4:1) – Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where He overcame Satan’s temptations.

His Public Ministry (Luke 4:18-19) – Jesus quoted Isaiah 61:1-2, saying, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor…

His Miracles (Matthew 12:28) – Jesus said, “If I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.”

      The Holy Spirit was the source of Jesus' power, guiding Him, giving Him wisdom, and enabling Him to perform mighty works.

4. Doing Good and Healing

      Jesus’ ministry was characterized by compassion, healing, and deliverance. Everywhere He went, He did good, showing love to the poor, the sick, and the outcasts.

Jesus' Good Works

Feeding the Hungry (Matthew 14:13-21) – Jesus miraculously fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish.

Showing Mercy (John 8:1-11) – He forgave the woman caught in adultery, demonstrating grace over judgment.

Welcoming Sinners (Luke 19:1-10) – He dined with Zacchaeus, showing that salvation was for all.

      Jesus not only preached righteousness but lived it through His actions.

Jesus' Healings

      One of the clearest signs of His divine power was the many miraculous healings He performed:

Healing the Blind (John 9:1-7) – Jesus gave sight to a man born blind, proving that He was the Light of the World.

Cleansing Lepers (Luke 17:11-19) – He healed ten lepers, demonstrating His power to cleanse and restore.

Raising the Dead (John 11:38-44) – He raised Lazarus, revealing His authority over death.

      These healings showed that Jesus was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah.

5. Delivering from the Oppression of the Devil

      A major aspect of Jesus' ministry was spiritual warfare—freeing people from demonic oppression. He cast out demons and broke the power of darkness, proving that He had come to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).

Examples of Jesus Casting Out Demons

The Demon-Possessed Man in the Synagogue (Mark 1:21-28) – Jesus cast out an unclean spirit, and the people were amazed at His authority.

The Gerasene Demoniac (Mark 5:1-20) – He freed a man possessed by a legion of demons, restoring him to his right mind.

The Boy with an Unclean Spirit (Mark 9:14-29) – He healed a boy whom the disciples could not, teaching them about faith and prayer.

      These encounters showed that Jesus was not just a teacher or prophet—He had absolute authority over the kingdom of darkness.

6. “For God Was With Him”

      The term “for God was with him” emphasizes that Jesus’ power was not from Himself but from God the Father. He operated in full unity with God, always doing the Father’s will (John 5:19).

      This also fulfills Old Testament prophecies like Isaiah 7:14, which calls Jesus Emmanuel, meaning “God with us.”

7. What This Means for Us Today

1. Jesus is the True Savior

      Peter’s sermon in Acts 10 was meant to show that Jesus is the only way to salvation. His anointing with the Holy Spirit and power confirmed that He was sent by God to redeem humanity.

2. The Holy Spirit is Available to Us

      Just as Jesus relied on the Holy Spirit, believers today can be filled and empowered by the Spirit for life and ministry (Acts 1:8).

3. We Are Called to Continue Jesus’ Work

      As followers of Christ, we are also anointed by God to do good, help the needy, and bring healing—both physically and spiritually.

4. Victory Over Darkness

      Jesus defeated Satan at the cross, and through Him, we have power over sin, temptation, and the enemy’s attacks.

      Acts 10:38 is a powerful summary of Jesus' mission. He was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit and power, He went about doing good, healing the sick, and delivering people from demonic oppression—all because God was with Him.

      This verse not only describes Jesus’ ministry but also serves as a reminder that the same Holy Spirit is at work in the lives of believers today. We, too, are called to walk in His footsteps, empowered by God to bring His kingdom to the world.
