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Benefits of encounter with God


       An encounter with God is a divine experience that transforms a person’s life. It is not just a fleeting moment but a life-altering experience that brings revelation, healing, empowerment, and a deeper understanding of God’s purpose. Throughout the Bible, many individuals encountered God in different ways—through visions, direct communication, miracles, or the presence of the Holy Spirit. These encounters changed their lives and influenced history.

      The benefits of encountering God are:

1. Transformation of Life

      One of the greatest benefits of encountering God is the transformation of a person’s heart, mind, and actions. The Bible is full of stories of people who had radical life changes after meeting God.

Biblical Example: Saul to Paul (Acts 9:1-19)

      Saul was a fierce persecutor of Christians, imprisoning and killing believers. However, on the road to Damascus, he encountered Jesus in a vision. This encounter blinded him physically but opened his spiritual eyes. He was later healed, baptized, and became Paul, one of the greatest apostles who spread the Gospel worldwide.

Life Application

      A personal encounter with God leads to repentance and transformation. Many people testify that after experiencing God’s presence, they leave behind destructive habits, addictions, and sinful lifestyles.

2. Deeper Relationship with God

      Encountering God deepens one’s faith and relationship with Him. Many people believe in God, but a real encounter moves faith from the head to the heart.

Biblical Example: Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 3:1-12)

      Moses encountered God in the burning bush, where he received his calling to lead Israel out of Egypt. Before this, Moses knew about God, but this direct encounter made him a true servant of God.

Life Application

      When people experience God’s presence, they develop a stronger personal relationship with Him. This intimacy leads to more trust, prayer, and reliance on God in daily life.

3. Direction and Purpose

      Many people struggle with knowing their purpose in life. An encounter with God provides divine direction and clarity about one’s destiny.

Biblical Example: Isaiah’s Vision (Isaiah 6:1-8)

      Isaiah encountered God in a vision, seeing Him on His throne, surrounded by angels. This encounter convicted Isaiah of his sin, purified him, and gave him a prophetic calling.

Life Application

      When people encounter God, they receive clarity about their purpose. Many ministers, missionaries, and believers testify that after experiencing God, they received a clear vision of their calling.

4. Peace and Joy

      God’s presence brings supernatural peace and joy, even during difficulties.

Biblical Example: The Disciples on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)

      After Jesus’ resurrection, two disciples were walking to Emmaus, troubled and confused. When Jesus appeared to them, their hearts burned with joy, and their sorrow turned into excitement.

Life Application

      Many believers have experienced peace and joy after encountering God, even in difficult situations. His presence assures us that we are not alone.

5. Empowerment for Service

      An encounter with God equips believers with the power and boldness to serve Him effectively.

Biblical Example: Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4)

      The disciples were afraid and hiding after Jesus’ crucifixion. But when the Holy Spirit came upon them at Pentecost, they were transformed into bold preachers who performed miracles and led thousands to Christ.

Life Application

      After encountering God, believers receive spiritual gifts and strength to serve in various ministries—whether preaching, healing, or evangelizing.

6. Healing and Deliverance

      Many encounters with God in the Bible resulted in physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34)

      This woman suffered for 12 years but was healed instantly when she touched Jesus’ garment. Her encounter with God’s power restored her completely.

Life Application

      Many people testify of healing after encountering God—whether from sickness, depression, or spiritual bondage.

7. Revelation and Wisdom

      Encounters with God bring divine wisdom and insight into life’s challenges.

Biblical Example: Solomon’s Dream (1 Kings 3:5-14)

      Solomon encountered God in a dream and asked for wisdom. God granted him wisdom beyond human understanding, making him the wisest king in history.

Life Application

      God provides wisdom for decision-making, relationships, and leadership when we seek Him.

      Encountering God is life-changing. It brings transformation, direction, peace, empowerment, healing, and wisdom. Whether through prayer, worship, visions, or divine interventions, a real encounter with God will always leave a lasting impact.
