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You were bought with a price meaning

 You Were Purchased With A Price- Don't Go Back!

      In 1 Corinthians 6:20 and 1 Peter 1:18-19, the Scriptures say that we were purchased by the precious blood of Jesus. We were bought from the rituals, traditions, marine witchcraft occultic actives and operations, etc of the kingdom of darkness- where we used to serve and worship the beggarly deities (gods) of our fathers and ancestors into the marvelous kingdom of light and peace of the Son of God, Jesus. God did this because He wants more children, but those to be after Jesus as His children. Praise the Lord!

      Having been set free from these bondages, do you want to go back to being in those or similar bondages again? 

      In Galatians 4:8-9, the scripture says that when you didn't know God or known by Him, you served those deities (which are not God). Now that you know God or that are known by God, don't allow yourself to be put back into that predicament! 

      Don't fall for that uncle, wife, husband, or elder in the family, church who doesn't align with Christ Jesus, or overseer who doesn't serve or worship Christ as the head. Run for your life and preserve your destiny! You have to stand to answer to Jesus at the judgment seat as to what you did with the body given to you. Brethren, with Godly love I plead with you to take seriously what God has put in you or called you to endeavor to achieve it. Let nobody be a stumbling block for you. Make Jesus your head, and don't be pulled back! Praise the Lord!

      I pray that God who first called us will help set us to accomplish His plan and purpose for our lives in Jesus' name. Amen!
