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Overcoming water spirits

  Deliverance From The Bondage Of Water Spirits or Marine Witchcrafts

      Brethren, many people have been in different kinds of bondages with the water spirits or Marine Witchcrafts. The matter is worsened by the ignorance of the children of God as to the steps to take That is, about the word of God and the weapons God has made available to counter these issues and matters of their lives.

      Remember that God loves you first; hence, He created and formed you. Mostly, you have kids because you love them, right? Although we are what we are and love our children. How much more than God created us? 

      He also created water spirits and other spirits- in addition to other created things. The Bible tells us about this in Genesis. Also, in Colossians 1:16, the Bible says, "For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him". 

      These evil spirits, working with Marine Witchcrafts, Occults, etc might have attacked your health, finances, job prospects, business prosperity, marriage, wealth, advancement in life, spiritual life, etc. God is omnipotent and can always reverse that situation. Praise the Lord! He can also deliver you from their bondages!

      In Isaiah 54:16, He created the blacksmith to produce something good. He also created an enemy that is antagonistic to the good thing. In verse 17, He says that no weapon of the enemy that is formed against you shall prosper. He is the head of both you and the antagonist. He has the power to keep the enemy from spoiling the works of your hands. Amen to Jesus! Do you know the password?

      May the Lord keep you, guide you, and protect you even at this time in Jesus' name. Amen!

Ben Ebozue
