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Consequences of self-will

      The Bible discusses the consequences of self-will, particularly when it leads to defiance of God's will, in various passages. Here are some key points and examples: 

1. Understanding Self-Will in the Bible

      Self-will is the act of prioritizing one's own desires, ambitions, and judgments over God's will. While humans are created with free will, the Bible teaches that using it to oppose God's commands leads to severe consequences. Proverbs 16:25; Jeremiah 17:9

      Self-will is often guided by pride, selfishness, or rebellion, and the Bible warns that relying solely on one’s understanding is dangerous.

2. Consequences of Self-Will

A. Separation from God

      One of the most significant consequences of self-will is separation from God. Sin, which is often the result of self-will, creates a spiritual barrier. Isaiah 59:2; Romans 8:7-8

      When individuals prioritize their own desires over God's commands, they alienate themselves from His presence and blessings just like Adam and Eve in Genesis 3. Their decision to eat the forbidden fruit, driven by the desire for knowledge and self-exaltation, led to their expulsion from Eden and the loss of direct communion with God.

      So many people today has lost tangible opportunities in life because they choose do things according to their self will thereby missing God divine will for their lives. 

B. Divine Discipline and Judgment

      God often disciplines those who act in self-will, not out of cruelty, but to lead them to repentance. However, persistent rebellion can lead to severe judgment. Hebrews 12:6; Proverbs 14:12

      Someone like:

1. Jonah in Jonah 1-2, flee from God’s command to preach to Nineveh resulted in a violent storm and being swallowed by a fish. Only after repentance was he restored.

2. Pharaoh in Exodus 5-14. His persistent self-will in refusing to release the Israelites led to the ten plagues and the destruction of his army in the Red Sea.

C. Loss of Blessings and Favor

      Disobedience rooted in self-will often results in losing God’s blessings. The Bible teaches that blessings come through obedience. Deuteronomy 28:15; 1 Samuel 15:22-23

      King Saul in 1 Samuel 15 made decision to spare King Agag and the best livestock, contrary to God’s command, led to his rejection as king and the loss of God’s favor.

D. Harm to Others

      Self-will doesn’t only affect the individual but can bring harm to others, especially when it leads to collective judgment or consequences. Joshua 7; Proverbs 29:1

      In 2 Samuel 24, David’s decision to take a census, driven by pride, led to a plague that killed 70,000 people. Though he repented, others suffered because of his self-will.

3. The Root of Self-Will: Pride and Rebellion

      The Bible identifies pride as the root of self-will. Pride exalts human reasoning above God’s wisdom and leads to rebellion. Proverbs 16:18; James 4:6

      Lucifer’s pride and desire to exalt himself above God led to his fall and eternal separation from God. Isaiah 14:12-15

4. God’s Call to Surrender and Obedience

      The Bible emphasizes the importance of surrendering self-will to align with God’s will. True freedom and fulfillment come from obedience to God.

A. Promises of Obedience

Deuteronomy 28:1-2

John 14:15

B. Jesus as the Perfect Example

      Jesus demonstrated complete surrender to God’s will, even in the face of suffering. Matthew 26:39; Philippians 2:8

5. How to Overcome Self-Will

A. Renewing the Mind

Romans 12:2

      Regular study of Scripture and prayer helps believers align their thoughts with God’s will.

B. Humility and Submission

James 4:7

Proverbs 3:5-6

C. Walking by the Spirit

Galatians 5:16-17

      The Holy Spirit empowers believers to resist self-will and follow God’s leading.

6. The Joy of Living in God’s Will

      Living in God’s will brings peace, purpose, and eternal rewards. While self-will leads to chaos and destruction, submission to God’s will leads to:

● Peace Isaiah 26:3

● Purpose Jeremiah 29:11

● Eternal Life Matthew 7:21

      The Bible clearly warns of the consequences of self-will: separation from God, loss of blessings, divine judgment, and harm to oneself and others. Yet it also offers hope through repentance, humility, and surrender to God’s will. By following the example of Christ and relying on the Holy Spirit, believers can overcome self-will and experience the abundant life God has promised.
