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Who is the accuser in the book of Job?

   Even without being told, we already know who Job's accuser is(Job 1:6-12), but our major concern should be what this same accuser is doing in our generation today. The majority of us might not be sensitive enough to know that the same accuser is never tired of accusing us before God, because he wants to gain free access in our lives probably to destroy us and our destinies.

  This accuser is so cunning and manipulative that he can go to any length to dig out solid evidence against someone. He can dig into a person's bloodline or even lure the person into crime and use it to accuse the person in the throne room of God. When he succeeds, then the person exists without achieving or fulfilling any purpose throughout his lifetime if Christ did not come through for the person. 

  Can you imagine he was so envious of Job's accomplishments and achievements that even though God was praising Job for his steadfastness, dedication, and commitment to service, he was busy looking for a way to make God disappointed in Job? I believe he might have done his findings about Job and found nothing to query him before God, and his only alternative was to blame God for HIS great protection and provision upon Job. And for that reason, the accuser was permitted to tempt Job but was not given power over the soul, because he had no right over him but was under permission.

Note: Nothing is happening in our lives that God is not aware of, and serious torture from the devil is a test that God allowed us to go through to prove our faithfulness in Him. And as far as God allowed it, patiently endure the torture and when it is over, we will see the mighty hands of God like He did upon the life of Job.

  Come to think of it, Job was a man nothing of evil was found in him, but what about us, and how worse it will be knowing that we are guilty of his accusations? Yes, that also reminds me, can God praise us for our honesty, faithfulness, and diligence to Him before the hosts of heaven? I think that is why the accuser is always on the winning side. 

  But wait oh, the accuser could not enter Job to ruin him because he already had God in him, but rather operated against him through all that he had. But the same came to Judas in John 13:27 and because God was not in him, the accuser entered him instead, and not only did he use him to fulfill an evil agenda but also ended his life without fulfilling the purpose why he was ordained a disciple. Also, God permitted the accuser to enter Saul and torment him for his sin of disobedience in 1 Samuel 16:14

  Nobody is meant to be empty inside him, it is either God inside the person or the accuser. So, when the accuser accuses a person before God, and it happens that the person does not have God in him, the accuser enters the person like he did entered Judas to make a mess of the person’s life.  This is why most people are alive but are living a wasted life because what entered inside of them never wanted them to be useful. 

  Sometimes, I wonder if some people make use of their senses at all because they gladly walk into their doom with their legs as if they did not know that destruction awaits them at the end of the path they have taken for themselves. But I just found out that once the enemy enters them, he blinds their mind from knowing and seeing the truth of the gospel. 2 Corinthians 4:4

  Revelation 12:10-12 made it clear that his accusation was something he started from heaven. And when he was thrown down on earth, he gained more ground because all were guilty of sin according to Roman 3:23, but salvation from his accusations and intimidations came to an end through the blood of the Lamb in verse 11 of Revelation 12; Ephesians 1:7. So therefore, the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross practically made worthy and free from his accusations and through that the same sacrifice we win over him before God. 

  So, the conclusion of it all is that he is still accusing and hindering many people today from becoming what God destined for them because they have not come to the full knowledge of Christ-free salvation. They have not accepted with their hearts that Jesus gave Himself in exchange for their redemption and freedom from their accuser. Because if a person is not in Christ Jesus, such kind of person is in bondage and cannot be free if he does not come to Jesus with all his heart. Matthew 11:28  He might have entered the person and deposited loads of sin him, Christ is still willing to help, only just come now. 

   I do not know the torture someone reading this right now is going through at the hands of his accuser but God is extending his hands of help to the person right now through His son Jesus Christ of Nazareth who paid the price for him to be free. Why not give Jesus a try and see that He is good?
