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Purpose discovery and maximization


  It is not everything that we all know and can do as humans, and because we do not know or cannot do it all makes God Supreme over us all. We know there is a purpose to why we exist, but what we do not know is what that purpose is because almost all of us are yet to discover our purpose which makes us confused about our lives, about who we are and are to become without any definite explanation or answer to the purpose of our existence. And out of the confusion of not discovering our purpose, most of us made choices that ruined them for life.

  From this teaching, we will know how to discover our purpose and maximize it for the benefit of us, our generation, and for God's kingdom's advancement. 

Note: To begin the journey of purpose discovery is something we can not do without God, because to know and work towards it is another different thing altogether. 

  • How do we discover our purpose?

  How do we expect to discover what we vividly do not know? The fact we do not know makes the discovery difficult, but God can help and also give us all the help we need to manifest our purpose in life. Because going to Him for help, and being willing to follow His instructions is the first step in discovering our purpose in life. 

  A friend of mine graduated from high school as an art student, and he intended to pick accountancy as his major course in college, probably because he liked the profession. But, God told him that if he wanted to fulfill his purpose on earth, he should go for economics. His choice, of course, was not bad at all, but that was not in line with the purpose of his existence.

  The proof that God alone can help us discover our purpose is that He helped Jeremiah discover his in Jeremiah 1:4-5. He helped Abram whom He later changed his name to Abraham discover his purpose in Genesis 12:1-2, and Joseph He revealed His purpose for him in Genesis 37:5-9 and each of them He helped to discover their purpose turned out to be mightily great during their time. He knows you and me more than we know ourselves because He is the one who initiated our existence, and I strongly believe that He knows why we are meant to exist in the first place, and for us to know what He knows about us we must go to Him to tell us. Because already there is a voluminous book of record where He wrote everything about us even before our existence. Psalms 40:7-8; Hebrews 10:7

  The purpose of God is already a written and documented story a person is to live on earth because when David understood that everything about him had been written down by God, and the best life he could live should be according to that written of him, he prayed that prayer. After all, he wanted to discover that very purpose that was written by him to walk towards it without failing.

  I pity those people who live life the way they want not knowing that the life they are living is a manuscript in the hands of God, because even before our existence He has written everything about us, and all we have to do is just live according to what He has written for each of us because that is His purpose for us. Thus, what then will become a person who is living outside what is written of him? I wonder how miserable that life will be. 

  Go and check how God is raising men and women from different worths of life into different professions all because they sought His help. But what I do not understand is why people especially the young ones have no interest in asking God for His help to discover their purpose. They have this mentality that God's purpose ends either in becoming a pastor or a devout Christian, but His purpose does not end there because many great men and women who God helped to discover their purpose are doing exploit in different professions of life. They are exploring without stress in every worth of life because they beckon on God's divine purpose for their lives. 

Note: Being a Christian is a great privilege because accepting the gift of salvation comes with a lot of packages. To discover and fulfill destiny is also one of those packages. 

  If you are yet to discover your purpose, I suggest you turn to your creator, He will give you the manuscript of your life and even guide you on how to go about living your life the way it is written about you.

  •  How to maximize our discovered purpose?

  A person's discovery of his future is capable of depriving him of a lot, to focus on working and expanding the already known purpose because it is only a person who has not discovered his purpose in life that lives carelessly.

  It should interest you, that a time of purpose maximization is also a time of global announcement after days, months, or years of laboring to make meaning from that discovered purpose of your life. 

  Joseph at an early stage of his life discovered his purpose and passed through hard times not knowing it was his period of working, and when it was his time of purpose maximization, God visited the pharaoh with dreams that only he could interpret. Genesis 41:1-46

  David who later became the great king of Isreal first began his journey of life from the bush of which he was called to be anointed from the brush in 1 Samuel 16:11-13. He had no youthhood enjoyment because he spent almost all his time in the bush taking care of his father’s sheep. Nobody taught him how to fight but in the bush, he learned how to kill a lion and a bear, and when it was time to maximize his purpose, Goliath was used to make it known. 1 Samuel 17:33-36

  Also, Daniel deprived himself of the pleasure of the king's palace when he had the opportunity to live his life the way he wanted, but because he had a purpose to live for, he subjected himself to it and got the knowledge through the process of fulfilling purpose and was later announced as the best among all. Daniel 1:3-20

  Where are those young people who are daily living by God's purpose for their lives but wondering if there is a chance of sailing through because they are yet to be identified as following God's leading? They should not give up because the set time of global announcement to those people is coming.

  One thing about God is that He does not only help us to discover our purpose but will also take every step with us toward making that purpose a reality because there are also lives in which our discovery is their chance to discover their purpose. Of which the purpose of one's life is not discovered only for personal gain rather the person also becomes a medium through which God in a supernatural way solves the impossible needs of others. 

