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Who exactly is Jesus?

  Most people do not care about who you are, whether you are famous or not as far as they do not know exactly who you are. Also, where I come from, people can stop you along the road to ask if you are the son or daughter of a particular person they know probably because you resemble someone who could come from that family.
  I was surprised during my conversation with an old friend of mine. He was in his 80s and a Christian too but did not know who Jesus was. His question was, how did God have a son, is He married to have had a son? I was surprised because he goes to church, says a word of prayer in Jesus' name, and still does not know Jesus.
  It is quite shameful in Christendom today that the majority of so-called Christians do not know who Jesus is. To them, it is the name of a famous person in Christianity whose name should always be mentioned at all times for things to work out well for them. Some will say I do not know Him but let me call His name because someone else did. 
  There are so many perspectives of who Jesus is because even Jesus in Matthew 16:13-15 asked His disciples about people's thoughts of who He was. From His disciples' responses, you will find out that people had different thoughts about who exactly he was.  
  He is John the Baptist, Elias, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. These were people's thoughts of who He might be, but is He any of them?
  Even John the Baptist openly declared Jesus' sovereignty over him in Matthew 3:11. Elias was a great prophet who did so many exploits for God but was not Jesus. Neither Jeremiah nor one of the prophets is Jesus because in Matthew 16:16, according to Simon Peter said Jesus is the:
  •   Christ 
  To be anointed as Christ by God simply means He is God's most trusted ally and a son who is worthy to rebuild the broken bonds between His father and mankind. 
  It takes one highly anointed and spiritually gifted by God to be called Christ. If Jesus is Christ, then He was not on the mission on Earth on His own but under a higher authority that did not only send him on Earth but also anointed Him for the work on Earth. John 4:34;20:21 Jesus is the anointed one from God, and that anointing made Him the Jesus of yesterday, today, and forever more. Hebrews 13:8 
  So, Jesus is the anointed Christ with not just oil but with the Holy Spirit and power to rebirth the fulness of God on earth Acts 10:38 
  • Son of the living God
 Luke 1:32 and 35; Isaiah 9:6a
  God has a son, and His son came into this world as a human to do what would make His father happy. And His Father through the prophets revealed that it was not just any other person that Mary would conceive of but It Is His son because if there is any person worthy enough to reconcile Him and mankind, it can only be His son.
  The son of God was named Jesus because His name was in line with His mission on Earth. According to Matthew 1:21, Jesus is our savior because His primary assignment is to save.
  It is very important to know who He is to the Father, but what we should never forget is that He came to this world to save. We were in danger of sin because sin took our rights from us and made us total strangers to our creator until Jesus was made manifest to save and redeem us from sin. Romans 3:23; John 12:46-48; Acts 4:10-12
  Is that name Jesus still unknown to you? Probably because you do not know that knowing Him exposes His fullness to you. Philippines 3:10
 Note: Who Jesus is, is what made us who we are because what he came to this world to be was what made us who we were created to be. 
   His name is far beyond using it to cast out devils. His name gets us connected to the spiritual realm and has us communicate with God through His connection. That is why He is the mediator between God and us 1 Timothy 2:4-7
   Are you saved by Jesus? Give Him that chance to save you from sin because it will help you to know Him better.
God bless you!!

