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What to do when your friend is doing better than you?

  Yes, your mate has indeed passed you, but do you know one thing that remains unsaid is that you are the best version of yourself, and you should not have to compete with others? You are unique in your special way; just wait for the right time and believe in God for the best. Don't allow others' success to bring you down; instead, use it to your advantage.
   Overthinking and worrying about who was the first to succeed in life has made many people see themselves as inferior to others. Some out of depression and anxiety committed suicide. To others, the success of their friends made them evil to the extent of taking their friend's life just to stop them from succeeding. 
    In Genesis 4:1-8, two brothers, Cain and Abel, were on a journey of making a better future for themselves. Luckily for Abel, he got the support of God, which made him successful in his endeavors while his brother Cain got none. And out of jealousy and envy, Cain killed his brother.
   Many people have this bad impression that their friends should not be better than them. But not so, because everyone is destined for a better future and it is also a friend's responsibility to guide and advise a friend into that better life; what are friends for if not to be there to support and build up each other?
   Jonathan and David are examples of true friendship. Because due to Saul's disobedience(1 Samuel 15:13-26), God appointed David to be king (1 Samuel 16:1-14) but when Saul found out about God’s plan of replacing him, he sought a way to kill David a friend of his son Jonathan in 1 Samuel 18:17-27;19-10. But Jonathan helping his friend to escape from his father amazed me and made me wonder if he did not know his father was doing all that with his interest at heart. Why did he choose to save the person who would take his place as king? I think his friendship was more important to him than any other thing. 
  That a friend is doing better than you does not mean you can not do better. Always help a friend do better and work on yourself to do better too because no human being is created superior to others. Also, who is your friend? Because most friends are enemies in disguise. Can your friend willingly put your interests first even when it will jeopardize his? Does such kind of friend still exist?
  Do not become a liability to a friend just because he is always willing to help. For him to voluntarily help you does not mean it is your right, and do not take a friend's kind gesture for granted because a true friend is rare. 
  Evil is fast taking over good in our world today, which makes it risky to trust anyone. But it will not stop me from using this medium to introduce this friend of mine to you because he is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. A friend who has helped me socially, academically, and spiritually. And he is no other person than Jesus
  He is a friend who will sacrifice all for friendship. He came through for Lazarus when he was told his friend was sick and even after his friend's death, he still proved his loyalty to friendship. John 11:1-44
   Sister Lucy Ebozue once disclosed how her friendship with Jesus tremendously changed her life, to the extent that he helped her during her nursing board exams. 
  He has been a true friend to so many who seek him. He is a compassionate friend and due to his undying love for mankind, he chooses death for his friends to live eternal in his father's bosom.
  Why not make him your friend and see him transform you into the best? I strongly believe that he is the only friend that can help you to be a better person. He made me better and he can do the same for you if you willingly accept to be his friend. 


  1. This is very nice. I love the write up. God bless you and keep you


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