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The stone the builders rejected

  Rejection is a painful experience that should not be wished for anyone. Nobody deserves rejection irrespective of who the person is because it is an abominable act to reject the work of God's creation. But there is no doubt that a man came into this world and was rejected and killed by those who were to love and protect Him. He did nothing wrong to warrant the hatred, bitterness, and rejection from His people because His crime was that he was the son of God from the family of an ordinary carpenter. Matthew 13:55-57
  His people never believed that God's only begotten son would stoop so low to come out from a poor family since Isaiah spoke so highly of His birth and mission on Earth in Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7.  So, they expected the messiah to come from a rich and respected family, but they were not God who worked mysteriously.
  For no just cause, His background led to His rejection and persecution, but it did not stop Him from living up to God's divine will for Him while on earth. Rather, He became a worthy treasure to those who rejected Him. Mark 11:1-12 
  People are passing through similar rejection as they did to Jesus. They are persecuted, tortured, and maltreated by family, loved ones, and their society for being endowed with the unsearchable riches of God. But God is comforting them through this message that they might be rejected but that should not be the end of the world for them because God will exalt them in a way that the world cannot do without them.
 Note: Your background does not determine your destiny. The process of your destiny is getting tougher because what you are destined for is not just to light your home but your generation and it must not happen without a fight from the dark force that governs the earth. 
  There are different types of stones, but each of these stones has a specific work they are to be used for. There are stones for building, and there are also stones that are attractive just because of their beauty and they are not used for building. Most destinies are like stone meant for building and the world is their only place to be put to use, before they are used they have to face rejection from the world's builders who think they are not worthy.
  You might ask:
  • Who are the builders? :
   They are the system that runs the world. The religious system was never happy with Jesus because He never agreed to be used to build according to their pattern.
i. He proclaims Himself as the son of God. Luke 19:7
ii. He healed on the sabbath day. Matthew 12:9-13; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 6:6-11; John 5:18
iii. He said he had the power to forgive sin. Luke 5:2
iv. They misunderstood Him when He told them that He would destroy the temple and build it in 3 days when it took them 46 years to build. John  2:19-20
  That alone made the religious system seek a way to destroy this stone before it completely ridiculed their pattern of building. John 7:1.
  Do you know what it means to be a stone to be used to build against the ancient pattern that was in place right even before you were born? Oh, you think this destiny of yours will be successful without a fight from the pattern of this world system? That is why many greatly suffer and struggle just to accomplish a particular phase of their lives.
  Sister Lucy Ebozue once said that each time something good is coming her way, it must be through a battle that stirs up a spiritual attack and several trials. And if she does not pray well, she might miss the visitation. The stone God made her to be will not only be a blessing to her but to her generation too and that is why the process of fulfilling the cause is a battle all through.
  Most people do ask why their lives are so different from others, and why must they pass through difficult circumstances to achieve something meaningful in their lives. It is because those occurrence takes place in their lives probably because they are destined for something that will rule out the devil in their generation. Because the devil can not fold his hands and watch those great destinies manifest to become a threat to him and his evil agenda for mankind. 
  Thus, that was why it was not easy for Jesus during His own time. That is why He achieved all in His ministry through battles. For Him to begin His journey of life, he fasted and prayed for 40 days and nights because He knew it was a battle to destroy the ancient standard the devil manipulated and used to put souls under slavery. So, if Jesus could fight to make a name for Himself, why would you not do the same?
  Life is not all about desiring possibilities but it is also about working out your possibilities. God did not do everything for Jesus, because Jesus also played a role that warranted His victory. 
  • Who is the stone? : 
Matthew 16:18
  The stone is the foundation on which God will rely to manifest on earth. Jesus told Simon Peter that he is the rock on which His church will be built. It was a revelation because Peter was the first disciple who hosted a large congregation preached the gospel of Christ and even won souls to God. Acts 2:6-47
  You are God's hope of establishing a kingdom on earth. You are stone because He has already destined you for a purpose that will win souls into His kingdom. That profession in the educational sector,  medical sector, or anything you are pursuing in life is a rock He destined for you to win souls into His kingdom. 
  The stone became the chief cornerstone because the stone won many stones that won many stones that are still winning many stones. Meaning that Christ won souls that won many souls and souls that are winning many souls.
  In Christ, it is normal when you are continuously rejected because He became what He was and is today through rejection. Their rejection helped spread the gospel and convicted souls and is still convicting souls today. 
  So, if there are no rejections in this life of fulfilling destiny then there are no gains which means, the pursuer labors in vain.
  Out of rejection, they demanded Christ's crucifixion in Luke 23:21, so why will your own be exceptional?
  Be humble, follow the process and God will reward you at the due time. 




  1. Such a nice pieces, keep moving I see God taking you high


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