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Why is desire dangerous?

  The reason why desire is dangerous is why the crime rate in each country of the world is going up. When desire becomes uncontrollable, it will certainly lead to a tragic end that may not be easy to survive.
  People take risks in doing incredible things just to satisfy that desire they have for something because the thought of committing crimes, getting into toxic relationships, and joining bad peer pressure groups does not suddenly become a lifestyle it was first desired. 
  Do not forget it was the same desire that made Eve taste the forbidden fruit and give some to her husband which caused them their stay in Eden Genesis 3:6. Also, the same desire made Esau sell his birthright to his younger brother just because of hunger Genesis 25:29-34.
  As human beings, what boosts our expectations to push through in life no matter the circumstances surrounding us is the desire we have to succeed. But one's desire can be dangerous depending on what it is bent on, and how it should be put under control matters a lot because if not it will destroy the person’s future.
   So, that a person desires something is not what makes it dangerous, but what the desire is. 
