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The full works of mercy pt2

 If God’s mercy is actively working on your behalf, it says no to anything opposing your destiny. Mercy does not need your permission to defend you or clear your name from the accuser(Revelation 12:10b) who wants nothing but to destroy you because it is the benefit you enjoy when you are at peace with the advocate of mercy. 
 Yes, the accuser will say or do all manner of things to hide your destiny but if mercy is at work for you be rest assured that he accuses in vain. 
    Meeting with mercy gets you in contact with favor in the sight of men that matter. It is capable of exalting and also taking you places where never imagined to be in life without considering where you are coming from or your background. 
Note: With God’s mercy do not think of anything impossible but of all things possible. 
      Jabez was humiliated and looked down on because mercy did not accompany him in his journey of life. He suffered until he applied the principle by involving mercy in his journey and everything completely changed for good for him. 1chronicles 4:9-10
      Mercy stepped in for Mary and she found favor from God that she became a vessel of fulfillment to God’s agenda for humanity(Luke 1:28). Not that she merited it but mercy favored her.

     Another man suffered from blindness from birth, and he lived all his life begging for daily bread till the day Mercy walked through. He heard the noise of mercy passing by but did not know because he was blind, but when he found out it was a mercy he shouted at the top of his voice that his voice covered the noise of the multitude following mercy, and mercy located him. Luke 18:38-41.   
     There are so many people today in one critical situation or the other with no way out because all their means of solving their problems failed, but there is hope. There is a compassionate man whose mercy never comes to an end. Lamentation 3:22
     It is an error to be at peace with him, and your life remains unchanged. It is not possible to be in Him and His mercy has not conquered all your impossibility.   
      If you want to be at peace with the advocate of mercy say this prayer with all your heart.
    Lord Jesus, come into my life and be my Lord and personal savior. Cleanse me from all my sins cancel my name in the Book of the Dead, and write it into the Book of Life. Starting from today I am yours and yours I shall be forever in Jesus' name, Amen.

    By faith, mercy has taken over all that concerns you, as you continuously remain in Christ.

God bless you!!!  
