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Bad habit ruins life and destiny

 Have you ever wondered why life is easygoing with negativity? To live a good life is hard but when it comes to living the opposite of good, it is so easy that nobody needs assistance to nurture, plot, and even do evil because it is very easy to go with. 
   A little desire and attention given to negativity is capable of destroying a whole lot of things in a person’s life. The negative thing can be anything that wants to either stop or delay the life meant to live, through constant pleasure to satisfy a destructive and lustful desire till it becomes a habit. 

A man was told to stop smoking by his doctor due to his health conditions, he replied by asking the doctor if he should stop now, does that mean he stopped on time in his 70s? He continued smoking even when he was told his lungs were almost damaged until the day he lumped and died”.

There is a successful lawyer who was called to the bar for his qualifications. He was doing so well in his profession till he started taking hard drugs which made him reason and talk off-point. He was dismissed from the bar and that never stopped him from his addiction but rather it got worse”.  

“One of my old friends is a pervert, he admires every young lady he sees. By merely looking at a lady he already knows the color of her innerwear. It makes him not focus on anything but only on all lady's buttocks”.
 “A young university girl claimed that she could not sleep throughout the night without a man beside her. It doesn’t matter who the person is as far as he is a man - which without a man beside her at night she cannot sleep till morning, and her day would not go smoothly. 

high school boy fell in love with his classmate but had no confidence to express his feelings to her throughout their time in school. Ever since the day they left school, he stopped being himself, the picture of the girl registered in his mind and he did not think of anything but her. He started having dreams of intimacy with her and waking up wet which affected him mentally and socially because most of the people around him think he is crazy. It was so bad that he did not further his education. This is a boy who once dreamed of becoming great in life. He has so many dreams and going to school to actualize it was the best decision of his life, but his little desire became a dangerous habit that ruined his desire for a better future”.  
  There is a high rate of evil activities in our world today, which is no longer a shameful thing in our society, that is why there are different social media, and internet platforms where immoral acts are being encouraged and taught that people do not have remorse at all for the evil they do, but continue in their deceitful habits because of the support from their immoral tutors.   
   So, either a good or bad habit has to do with these sensitive parts which are the eyes, mind, and body. Because what the eyes see determines the health of the body. When the eyes consistently feed on evil or materialistic things of this world, the mind ponders on it which will eventually make the body always desirous of it.
   A bad habit can be a strong weapon against one’s life and destiny because when it first captures the eyes and initiates the mind into what the eyes see and like, it then compels the body to crave it. 
   In life, there are a lot of things that will either hinder you from sobering higher or things that will facilitate you into sobering higher, but it is your choice to make. 
Note: Anything bad cannot contribute to a future designed for a good cause. Bad habits will always produce something bad while good habits will always produce something good.
