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Not really save at home

 Have you ever wondered why so many people left their homes for so many years without thought of going back? And why are they always afraid when it is to go back?  Some have one or two reasons why going back home is not an option but it all states the fact that no one is safe at home because nobody is without a home but the battle at home made it unsafe.
   At home life was convinced, carried for nine months, and at the comfort of home delivered life at its due time, also nurtured to growth and guided to live for its divine mandate from home – It all started from home but now the same home is regarded as an unsafe place because enemies invaded it.
   If a home was in order, God would not have been suffering a loss at all. Enemies would not have been reigning at home, but since home is not in order the enemies dwell and reign at home. 
Note: That home is unsafe today is also the reason why the world is unsafe. So,

a.  Why is home not safe?

i. There are enemies at home

  God is so concerned about our earthly home, but His major concern is also about a home He singlehandedly built for His dwelling, because if the home He built is in order then our earthly home will be safe too. A home He furnished with costly vessels, blessed and dedicated to accommodate His divine realm, and through this home bring the earth to the obedience of His word according to 1Corinthians 3:16      
       What made God different from other architects, is that He designed and built a lively and habitable home for Himself. He did not stop just by making it habitable but furnished it to His standard and glory. Thus, that lively home is you and I, the furniture of costly vessels and pure golds are the destinies, gifts, talents His spirit rest on and through it produce a good work that will magnify His name on earth (2 Timothy 2:21).
       In the Old Testament, whenever the children of Israel want to build a temple or a house for God they give all their best; they build with pure gold and all precious treasures for God to delight, and to dwell among them(1kings 8:10-11; 9:3). And because God has a home in Israel, they become undefeated and a terror to their enemy, and if eventually their enemy face them in a battle and defeat them probably because they disobeyed God, the enemy would not hesitate to take possession of all the precious treasures in the house of God. Daniel 1:1-2
        The enemy took the vessels of service in the house of God to the house of their god. The same vessels were used by the priest daily in offering sacrifices to God, when the children of Israel sought God’s mighty arm upon them and their land with their offerings, the priest being the mediator between God and them used the vessels in the house dedicated in the name of God to offer such offerings to God. But since they were not closer to God even when God had a home in their midst, for every little thing they would sin against God and incur His wrath upon their lives and become defenseless before their enemies. 

        Until Jesus manifested in Matthew 1:21,23; John 3:8. He came to save because even the house of God was turned into a den of thieves in Jeremiah 7:11; Matthew 21:12-13. Then He began to teach about the way to salvation in John 3:15-21 and prayer in Luke 11:1-13 and died for us to be free from sin and to be more intimate with God in Galatians 3:13-14. Jesus did not just leave us but sent the Holy Spirit to direct all our path in John 14:26-27; and 16:12-15; and in Acts 2:1-4 another house not built by man became a dwelling home for God.

       You might ask if God does not dwell in those earthly houses built in His name. The truth is that God is everywhere and He is in any house that is truly built in His name, but has His permanent home in a man. He does not well in a dirty place, and any home He has to live in must be to His standard, well furnished for kingdom exploits; and since you and I are the furnished home of God then there are enemies surrounding us to put us into slavery to have access to rob God’s priceless vessels in us.     

    The vessels in His place of dwelling are“The extension of God to redeem mankind”  The vessels are not just for decoration but in it lies the might, and glory of a home built by God Himself. That is why the enemy is fighting tirelessly at home because it is only at home that there are vessels with the capacity to fight, revive, and restore any nation under the enemy’s subjugation.

An enemy of destiny does not waste his time searching for treasure in an uncompleted building but in a finished and furnished building. And if he enters the house, he goes for the heart of the house in search of treasure to destroy.

   When this same enemy entered the house of God in Israel, they went for the extension of God to His people, because they knew Israel would be weak and defenseless without the fullness of God’s presence at home. Because:

-      In 1 Samuel 5, when the Philistines took the extension of God away from Israel to the house built for their god Dagon the unimaginable started happening in Israel because their light was no more in their midst. 

-       In 2 Kings 25, sin destroyed the hedge of protection over Israel and when the enemies came in unto them, they could not protect themselves and God's holy home rather they ran away from the home they were to protect. And the enemies killed Zedekiah’s sons right in front of him and blinded him, took all the precious vessels in the house of God to Babylon, and burnt down the home of God. 

-       Also in Daniel 2:1-2, Babylon defeated Israel and took all the costly vessels of God to the home they built for their god. Enemies were unfailing in the service to their god but Israel was not faithful to their one true God. The enemies did not suddenly enter Israel or neither invade Israel unaware but a deadly infection called sin first entered them, defiled them and their source (God) left His place in them and their enemies used the opportunity to strike them.        

    God is an invisible being that needs a visible body to dwell and work out supernatural things in the visible world. When a visible body makes itself available, its path becomes supernaturally prosperous and remarkable and the visible world will greatly benefit from it because the invisible being is the one leading. But if there is no visible body available for the invisible being to dwell, the visible live and die unfulfilled. 

   Thus, God is homeless on earth when some teenagers and youths can make their bodies available for Him to dwell in them. These are vibrant young people God can visibly use for the edification and glorification of their generation, but they made themselves unavailable for the invisible God. Instead of being an instrument in the hands of God, they become instruments for the devil and allow him to rule the earth through them.  

   No wonder Jesus said in Luke 9:58 that God has no resting place. Since God has no resting place at home then home will have no rest because His absence made home terrifying and uncomfortable to stay. And God did not choose to stay away from home but there is no provision made for His accommodation. 

Note: If we do not make ourselves available for God, we make it difficult for Him to act here on earth. The Bible says He is a Spirit(John 4:24), and for the Spirit to work on earth He needs human bodies. That is why human beings are very expensive in the realm of the spirit because demons also need the human body to work here on Earth.
