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Bible is still changing lives

 The Bible is the director and instructor of God’s word. It is the revealer of the past, present, and future. It is also capable of changing and transforming lives because its authors were highly gifted, inspired, and spirit-filled by God to write according to His divine will. 2Timothy 3:16-17;2Peter 1:20; Romans 15:4
  It takes men spiritually embodied, highly inspired, and divinely gifted by God to write life-filled words that have been and are still changing, and transforming lives from generation to generation.
  Having and reading the Bible is a collective sacrifice made by people who freely gave up their lives for the spread of the gospel. Their lives, determination, sacrifices, and death for the gospel is the Bible.
  So, the Bible is a book that teaches about:

- Life
  It is a book that was laid on the foundation of life. It brings anything dead back to life because the authors first received the birth of the Holy Spirit to write about lives to redeem and restore lives. 
  The Bible contains the word of God, and the word is alive just as He is because it reveals the personality of the person who uttered the word. Thus, anybody can speak a word but there is always a difference when God speaks a word because the word from God acts as God to show it is from God. (Hebrews 4:12;Isaiah 55:11;Psalms 12:6)  
 Therefore, every page or chapter of the Bible is alive from previous generations till this present generation even to generations to come if Jesus tarries because it is the word of God. John 1:1-2
  When we study the Bible, life that makes the word alive enters us to modify us into the image of God. So, the word of God can change life when life encounters the life of God’s word. Proverbs 30:5

   - Determination  
  The entrance of God’s word brings an end to the darkness of sin by revealing the nature and personality of God(Psalm 119:103). Living the life of God’s word is by determination because the word of God is being fought by many agents around the globe working for the devil, and for someone whose life is changed by the word of God to live a genuine Christian, that person must be fully determined to stand for his faith in God no matter the persecution. Matthew 5:10-12John 15:18-20

- Sacrifice 
  Do you know what it means for a full-grown man to leave his country, and his kindred, and forfeit his father’s house including his inheritance to a place he doesn’t know, just because he heard the voice of God? It is madness, right? But Abraham did it without a second thought or question of the voice of God. Genesis 12:1-5.       
  Even upon the death sentence to anyone who refuses to worship the image of the gold the king set up, these bold men knew the king wasn’t playing with his degree but they loved not their lives unto death; and they defiled the king’s order Daniel 3
  Also, a man his enemies plotted to destroy, made their king sign a degree for him(king) to be worshiped for a space of few days just to get at this man through his faith, but he preferred to die than not to stand firmly for his faith Daniel 6
  A man’s life was in danger when more than forty men conspired and took an oath that they wouldn’t eat or drink until they succeeded in killing him all because of his faith Acts 23:12-35.
 What about a man who forfeited his occupation just to follow his fellow man? He was busy collecting tax and this man walked up to him and told him to follow him, he dropped everything right and immediately followed him Matthew 9:9 
 For you and I to come to the knowledge of the word of God it is by people’s sacrifice. They had an encounter with the word of God, they also wanted us to have such a tremendous encounter and they sacrificed everything including their lives for the Bible to get to you and me today. Even in some parts of the world, they don’t have the privilege of owning a Bible talk-less of reading it, but to you and I that have such privilege how do we utilize it? 

 - Dead    
   The disciples of Christ died for the spread of the gospel, and it didn’t stop the gospel rather it became stronger, but the more they wanted to silence the word of God, the stronger and louder it echoed into the minds and hearts of people. (2Timothy 2:9)
Note: The word of God has come to stay to deliver and to save all that believe
  The word of God is a transformer of life, and no one positively encounters the word and remains the same. It hasn’t changed you because you haven’t genuinely accepted it into your life. Why not give it a try?
  To you, my dear reader, the Bible is still changing life if only you can allow the word of God to change you. A lot of sacrifices were made for this Bible to be at your doorstep probably because God doesn’t want you to perish, but wants you to be set free through the sacrifice of the blood made on the cross for you and I. Rejecting the Bible is rejecting life because it is the book of life.
